Cricket Records in 2002 in Youth ODI matches

Match results
Team 1
Team 2
Match Date
AUS Under-19W Indies U19AUS Under-1993 runsLincolnFeb 6-7, 2002Youth ODI # 351
SL Under-19sW Indies U19W Indies U1962 runsChristchurchJan 31, 2002Youth ODI # 344
PAK Under-19W Indies U19W Indies U196 wicketsLincolnJan 29, 2002Youth ODI # 335
IND Under-19W Indies U19IND Under-198 wicketsLincolnJan 27, 2002Youth ODI # 326
Kenya U19W Indies U19W Indies U199 wicketsDunedinJan 24, 2002Youth ODI # 319
AUS Under-19W Indies U19AUS Under-1942 runsDunedinJan 23, 2002Youth ODI # 314
Scot U19W Indies U19W Indies U19301 runsDunedinJan 21, 2002Youth ODI # 309
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Performances in matches that overlap years are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures
Records includes the following current or recent matches:

England Under-19s v India Under-19s at Taunton, 3rd Youth ODI, Aug 30, 2002 [Youth ODI # 357]

England Under-19s v India Under-19s at Taunton, 2nd Youth ODI, Aug 29, 2002 [Youth ODI # 356]

England Under-19s v India Under-19s at Bristol, 1st Youth ODI, Aug 27, 2002 [Youth ODI # 355]