
Naved-ul-Hasan loses father

Pakistan's joy at reaching the final of the VB Series has been tempered by the news that Rana Naved-ul-Hasan's father has died

Cricinfo staff

Naved-ul-Hasan Rana: sad loss © Getty Images
Pakistan's joy at reaching the final of the VB Series has been tempered by the news that Rana Naved-ul-Hasan's father has died. Rana Mehdi Hasan, 60, had been suffering from a lung infection and passed away during the match.
It is the second time in as many matches for Pakistan that one of the squad has suffered in this way - after Sunday's victory over Australia, Younis Khan flew home to attend the funeral of his father, and was said to be "shattered" as he departed from Perth Airport.
A spokesman for the Pakistan Cricket Board expressed his condolences in a statement. "We realize that you were far away on national duty on the tragic day and fully share your grief. May Allah Almighty bless the departed soul and give you and your family the strength to bear this loss."
The burial will take place on Wednesday in his home town of Sheikhupura. Naved's mother has asked her son not to return home, but to continue on the tour and take part in the finals.