Rahul Dravid - right-hand bat; right-arm offbreak - Player profile
Born January 11, 1973

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Farewell to Rahul Dravid

Dravid walks off, sad but proud

Rahul Dravid's international retirement was announced at his home ground, the Chinnaswamy Stadium, on Friday

The press conference

Video: Rahul Dravid announces his retirement

Next generation more capable - Dravid

'I was nowhere near as talented as some of these kids at 23'

Your regular, everyday superstar

Sambit Bal: Cricket aside, he could connect with the world at a real level

A gentleman champion of timeless steel

Ed Smith: A rich vein running through the sport's heart departs

The wolf who lived for the pack

Harsha Bhogle: He willingly took up challenges for the greater good

'Can't recall beating him two balls in a row'

Jason Gillespie: His key talent was his ability to wear bowlers down

Stylish in the trenches

Mukul Kesavan: Dravid employed defensive batting to winning ends

My husband, the perfectionist

Vijeeta Dravid on Rahul, the cricketer and the man

A cricketer most evolved

Aakash Chopra: Dravid did all he could to correct every glitch of his

'He taught us to value our wicket'

Young Indian batsmen on what they've learnt from Dravid

Not just India's overseas hero

Stats: Scoring most runs in India's overseas wins, and more

Eight of Dravid's best

A look back at some key Test performances

Sixteen years of battles and triumphs

Gallery: Dravid's Test career in pictures