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Overall figures
MS Chapman 2022-2024 36 33 10 787 104* 34.21 560 140.53 1 5 2 70 30 investigate this query
GD Phillips 2022-2024 24 22 4 580 70* 32.22 440 131.81 0 3 1 47 24 investigate this query
FH Allen 2022-2024 24 24 0 577 137 24.04 378 152.64 1 2 3 43 44 investigate this query
TL Seifert 2023-2024 21 21 2 538 88 28.31 378 142.32 0 4 3 48 21 investigate this query
DJ Mitchell 2022-2024 28 26 4 530 72* 24.09 390 135.89 0 4 1 39 20 investigate this query
DP Conway 2022-2024 17 16 1 322 63 21.46 277 116.24 0 3 1 33 8 investigate this query
JDS Neesham 2022-2024 21 17 4 256 48 19.69 186 137.63 0 0 3 23 10 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent Twenty20 Internationals:
England v Australia at Cardiff, 2nd T20I, Sep 13, 2024 [T20I # 2851]
England v Australia at Southampton, 1st T20I, Sep 11, 2024 [T20I # 2850]
Hong Kong v Kuwait at Bangi, 21st match, Sep 9, 2024 [T20I # 2849]
Malaysia v Mongolia at Bangi, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Asia Qualifier A 20th match, Sep 9, 2024 [T20I # 2848]
Myanmar v Singapore at Kuala Lumpur, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Asia Qualifier A 19th match, Sep 9, 2024 [T20I # 2847]
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